How does it works
BlueNet is a worldwide platform, that is a gateway between Israeli businesses of all types, industries and sizes and consumers who wish to consume these products and services and thereby support the Israeli economy and also contribute to the strengthening of the State of Israel
If you find a business or product that interests you,
Just click on the logo, and a popup will open with details about it.
If you want to continue and know more, click on the button, and you will be transferred to the minisite of that business on our website.
There you can find out more details, products, samples, recommendations, and more.
If you want to purchase something for yourself or for someone else, you can contact the business directly by filling out a short form.
after that, the payment itself, cost, delivery (if there is one) and anything else will be conducted directly with the business itself.
once you set the form, the business will get back to you to confirm the order and further communication within 1 business day.
However, our customer service is always available 24/7
We invite you to purchase directly from the best Israeli businesses and enjoy a standard of Israeli quality at its finest.